Our country, last year today, was managed to avoid from being on the brink of abyss by the courtesy of particularly our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and discernment of our entire nation.

It is our most fundamental duty as the representatives of Turkish business world as well as our astute State not to forget or let it forget this coup attempt that would always remain as a black mark in the glorious history of our history. Therefore, we would like to extent our gratitude once again to our democracy lover nation staking a claim to our country and remember our martyrs with mercy while our veterans with gratitude. 

With no doubt, this coup attempt was a test for our country's economy as well. We, with courtesy of the our Government's firm stand and our business world being of one heart, managed to take a turn for the better without any stains. We not only defended but also strengthened our democracy and economy.

During the span of one year passing over the attempted coup, we as the entire DEİK family, have made and still making utmost endeavours to corroborate this unity.   

Within this scope, on July 18, 2016, which is the first business day in the wake of the attempted coup, we delivered letters to our Business Councils to be further communicated to their addresses in 135 countries they are accounted for and we said "Business as usual". Furthermore, before the completion of attempted coup's first week, we have organized a consultation meeting with the participation of our entire Business Councils and Founder Member representatives. Within this framework, we have sought a shared answer to the question "As an organization of our country operating in every corner of the world, what could we do as DEİK in the aftermath of this reprehensible incident?"

Gathered more than 150 recommendations, we have adopted our 11-article Emergency Plan.

Within the framework of this Emergency Plan, we, as DEİK, we declared an ‘Economic Mobilization'. We requested our entire Business Council Presidents to actually visit the countries that they are responsible for. We established the DEİK Communication Committee and ensured coordination in our communication with our Government, institutions and foreign addressees. Thus, we intended for this vital process to proceed more effectively and efficiently.

Our Business Councils, during this one-year period, have visited to 99 countries. They explained the coup attempt as well as prior and post incidents to our addressees. They told our friends on various geographies that no power and authority exist above the national will. They also stated that our economy is as strong as used to be one day prior to the treacherous coup attempt; and no power is able to make Turkey of July 16 different than Turkey of July 15.  

However, these endeavours of ours have not yet finalized and they shall continue until it is completed within the entire 135 countries hosting our Business Councils.

And now it is time to grow our economy even more and to increase and enhance our investments, exportation and employment. Yet, while wiping away the remnants of treacherous FETÖ penetrated within our state throughout many years are proceeded pertinaciously, our primary priority is to grow our economy, develop our country and to accomplish this with our entire nation by working around the clock.

While accomplishing this, our primary duty is not to forget the struggling and courage of our nation shading their lives in front of tanks and bullets on the coup night.

We, in the anniversary of July 15, once more condemn vigorously the coup attempt intending to destroy our country's democracy, economy and stability; thanking our nation for safeguarding our country. On this occasion, we remember our martyrs and our veterans with gratitude once again.

We, as the business world and DEİK, will continue to endeavour with all our strength to redeem what we owe to them.


Ömer Cihad Vardan

DEİK President