With objective of transferring DEİK's knowledge and experience on PPP to national and international business world, 2nd Istanbul PPP Summit's (2nd-5th of November) closure was attended by Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication of Turkish Republic Ahmet Arslan, Deputy Minister of Economy Fatih Metin and DEİK President Ömer Cihad Vardan.

Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication of Turkey Arslan "Middle Corridor within Silk Road will connect Middle Asia and Caspian Region to Europe through Turkey"

With participation from 30 different countries including significant decision makers both public and private sectors, Summit continued with Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication of Turkish Republic Ahmet Arslan's speech. "Middle Corridor project holds significance not only because it is the revival of historical Silk Road but because it serves to main strategy of Turkish transportation policy which is to be part of trade road from China to London."

Turkey's transportation infrastructure is going through a tremendous transformation process and it puts Build-Operate-Transfer model into practice via enormous projects such as Eurasia Tunnel Project, Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir Highway Project, North Marmara Highway, Baku-Tblisi-Kars Railroad Project, Edirne-Kars Railroad Project and Marmaray. All of these projects are realized through Public-Private Partneship.

Minister Aslan: "Our priority is to provide service with international standard of excellence"

Ministry's main priority is to elevate sector to meet international standard of excellence, Minister added that their aim is to create an environmentalist sector of high quality. In order to reach the objective, studies are carried out to gain environment friendly, low-carbon structure via rigidly pursuing international developments. Ministry pays attention to the sustainability edge of the infrastructure investments that are executed under Public-Private Partnerships.

Deputy Minister of Economy of Turkey Fatih Metin: "Within 2023 vision, various infrastructure investments are executed with total value of 250 billion USD"

In order to have an atmosphere to enable Public-Private Partnership, it is essential to have transparent institute that will be a mediator between private sector and government. This institute will also serve as an information center for the private sector since Turkey holds history covering large spectrum of sectors as transportation, health and other infrastructure matters. Under year 2023's framework, Turkey is investing 250 Billion USD to various infrastructure projects. 

Deputy Minister Metin "Turkish construction sector reached global scale to execute PPP model" 

From 1972 until today, Turkey's construction sector executed nearly 9,000 projects over 111 countries with total value of 332 Billion USD Dollars. These number show that Turkey has become a global player in this sector; industry has reached the capability and scale to execute global projects. Turkish construction companies will be able to carry out projects abroad via PPP model and will contribute to both social and economic development.

DEİK President Ömer Cihad Vardan: "Public needs to develop projects with private sector"

During President Vardan's speech at the closing ceremony he stated that in developing countries where citizens' public need grow day by day governments need to develop most effective and efficient projects to meet their people's need. At this point, public needs to develop joint projects with the private sector and fortunately Turkey was able to develop and execute global-scale projects.

President Vardan: "We want to make Istanbul a center of excellence for PPP"

Important projects were actualized in transportation and health sectors yet progress will continue as PPP committee within DEİK will play a key role in sharing knowledge with the industry. Main goal is to make Istanbul the center of excellence for PPP, in the past 2 years DEİK organized meetings with representatives from 42 different countries and this effort will continue to grow the following years.