The fourth Türkiye-Africa Business and Economy Forum, which is organized every two years by DEİK/Türkiye-Africa Business Councils within the scope of the strategy of developing commercial relations between Türkiye and the African continent, will be held in Istanbul 12-13 October 2023.
The Forum welcomes prominent representatives of public and private sector actors from both Africa and Türkiye; it will provide an opportunity for broad-based, sustainable, inclusive growth and development, fostering private sector participation and fostering innovative public-private partnerships.
Türkiye-Africa Business and Economy Forum, will be held with the theme of "Investing in a Sustainable Future Together: Türkiye and Africa", participation from 54 Africa countries will include companies operating in durable consumer goods, furniture and forestry products, energy, food, agriculture and livestock, services, construction, building materials, logistics, machinery, metal and mining, automotive and sub-industry, health, textile and leather, information technologies, consultancy and training sectors.