Year of Establishment: 2013
Chairperson: Ahmet Taha Yıldız
Company: Kibar Dış Ticaret A.Ş.

DEİK Energy Business Council was established on  January 7, 2013 to expand DEİK’s sector-specific activities and to enable country’s private business community’s access to the world.

Primary goals of the Business Council are to support Turkish energy companies opening up to a global environment, to build national and international communication and cooperation networks for those firms, to ensure their access to quality information, to help improve their corporate and HR capacities, to enable them to compete internationally; furthermore, to encourage foreign companies to invest and invest into joint venture in Türkiye , to monitor the national and regional demand and its development for contracting, investments, partnerships and operational services, to inform its members about business opportunities, to support the smooth transition of our country to an economy with a liberalised energy market, for this purpose to make sure that the private sector assumes its responsibilities in the generation, distribution and import of energy, and to ensure an overall dynamic energy sector.

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