Year of Establishment: 2012
Founder Chairperson: Gökhan Kantarcıgil
Chairperson representing Accredited Türkiye: Ali Galip İlter
Company: Prometsis Danışmanlık İth. ve İhr. Ltd. Şti
Counterpart Organisation: Kolombiya Ulusal İş Adamları Derneği (ANDI)

DEİK/Türkiye-Colombia Business Council was established in 2012. The visit by the then President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos in 2011 was the turning point in two countries’ relations. The visit was reciprocated, in February 2015, by the President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. On the occasion of that event, DEİK and ANDI (Asociación de Industriales de Colombia) signed a Cooperation Agreement.

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