Year of Establishment:1985
Founder Chairperson: Ersin Faralyalı
Chairperson representing Türkiye: Murat Özyeğin
Company: Fiba Holding A.Ş.
Counterpart Organisation: U.S.-Türkiye Business Council  
Counterpart Chairperson: Hamdi Ulukaya 
Company: Chobani
Counterpart Organisation: American Turkish Business Roundtable 
Counterpart Chairperson: General James L. Jones

DEİK/Türkiye-US Business Council (TAİK) is the first Business Council that was established by DEİK in cooperation with the US Chamber of Commerce. Its purpose is the advancement of trade and industrial cooperation and the facilitation of joint investments. Further goals are: creating of joint Turkish-American ventures in third countries, identifying legal and practical restrictions to trade and joint ventures, lobbying for their removal or improvement, submitting suggestions to respective authorities, promoting Türkiye and Turkish economy in United States.

The focus areas of the Business Councils are: energy, infrastructure, banking and finance, relations with Ankara, ATC relations, direct foreign investment and foreign trade, pharmaceuticals, communication, culture and arts, corporate relations,  automotive industry, defence and security, political relations, telecommunication and media.

American-Turkish Council (ATC) and DEİK/Türkiye-US Business Council organise Joint Annual Conference in Washington which is the most extensive forum on Turkish-American economic relations. The conference sessions’ agenda include topics such as: energy, construction & project development, defense, telecommunication and transport, agriculture and food, textiles, finance and banking, tourism, and investment and trade opportunities in Türkiye and the United States. The sessions are attended by business community members and state administration, they offer a platform to exchange views and opinions and to assess business opportunities. In the context of the annually organised Joint Conference, TAİK’s Board of Directors visits members of the US Congress, government representatives, think tanks, international finance institutions and members of the press to exchange views.

Business Council puts emphasis on the promotion of Türkiye in the United States. For this purpose, TAİK has organised seminars on bilateral business opportunities in places such as Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Houston, Columbus, San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans, Charlotte and Manchester.

Other Business Councils