Year of Establishment: 2005
Founder Chairperson: Muzaffer Arslan
Chairperson representing Türkiye: Reha Denemeç
Company: IC Holding A.Ş.
Chairperson of Counterpart Organization: Pham Tan Cong
Company and Position: Chairman and President
Counterpart Organization: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)
Web: www.vcci.com.vn

Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in its region. Vietnam experienced structual changes leading towards a more stable political structure and better established free market economy. Vietnam’s participation in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) agreement and the Trade Agreement signed with the USA in 2001 brought important changes in the country’s foreign trade. Although internationally financed large infrastructure projects are given top priority, there are several other areas for cooperation of Türkiye and Vietnam.

In order to develop bilateral trade and economic relations between Türkiye and Vietnam and to inform the business communities about the potential cooperation opportunities between the two countries, DEİK/Türkiye-Vietnam Business Council was established in October 2005.

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