Year of Establishment: 2016
Chairperson representing Accredited Türkiye: Fatih Volkan Kazova
Company: Kazova Yapı İnşaat Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.
Counterpart Organisation: Confédération Patronale des Entreprises de Guinée (CPEG) Gine Özel Sektör Yatırımlarının Teşviki Ajansı (APIP)
Counterpart Chairperson: Hadja Gnouma Traoré
DEİK/Türkiye-Guinea Business Council was established on March 4, 2016, based on the agreement signed between DEİK and the Confederation of Employers of Guinean Companies.
The main purpose of the council is to enhance economic relations between the two countries by organizing activities such as business forums, delegation visits, meetings, and seminars.