Year of Establishment: 2004
Founder Chairperson: Mehmet Pınar Aran
Chairperson representing Türkiye: İbrahim Süha Güçsav
Company: İsgüçsav Yönetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.
Chairperson of Counterpart Organization: David Yang
Company and Position: Port od Singapore Authority, CEO
Counterpart Organization: Singapore Business Federation
The agreement regarding the establishment of DEİK/Türkiye-Singapore Business Council was signed in 2009. The Business Counsil was established with the purpose of developing bilateral trade and economic relations between Türkiye and Singapore, one of the most important commercial centers of Asia-Pasific Region. Immense cooperation opportunities for the two countries exist in the fields of IT, finance, construction, agro-business, tourism and logistic sectors.