Year of Establishment:1993
Chairperson representing Türkiye: Özgür Onur Özgüven
Company: Özgüven Tasarım Mimarlık İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Counterpart Organisation: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Counterpart Chairperson: Davron Vahabov
Company and Title: Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The DEİK/Türkiye-Uzbekistan Business Council was established on 12 April 1993 as a member of the Eurasia Business Councils and with the purpose of furthering the economic and trade ties between Türkiye and Uzbekistan. The Council’s establishment spurred the development of trade relations between the two countries and Turkish investments in Uzbekistan. Today, our counterpart country is one of the Eurasian nations were Türkiye is most heavily invested. The first to come were small and medium-sized Turkish firms. This development did not please the Uzbek government which used every occasion to complain about the low quality products of small Turkish firms and the lack of big company investments. This changed after 1996 when the Business Council began to lobby large Turkish corporations.
The Council contributes significantly to the development of economic relations by bringing together businesspeople and state officials of both countries. So far, the DEİK/Türkiye-Uzbekistan Business Council has organised four meetings that were attended by the Chairmans and prime ministers of both countries. The Council pursues a policy of focussing its efforts on specific sectors of industry as such an approach offers the best benefits. The current focus areas are light industry, construction and building materials, SME, textiles, food and industrial production in general.