Year of Establishment: 1991
Chairperson representing Türkiye: Mustafa Mertcan
Company: DOF Robotik San. A.Ş.
Counterpart Organisation: Associação IndustrialPortuguesa(AIP) and Forum for Business Administrators and Managers

In 1991, the Association of Chambers and Industrialists (AIP) and DEİK signed an agreement on the establishment of the DEİK/Türkiye-Portugal Business Council. The objective was to ensure mutual and balanced economic and trade cooperation, to identify areas of cooperation, to study their feasibility, to find suitable local and foreign companies for joint ventures, to create the proper conditions for such ventures, to ensure the exchange of information, to identify obstacles and work on their removal, to promote economic, cultural, political and social ties in order to create a conducive environment for mutually beneficial and strong economic ties, and to encourage joint investments in third countries.

The Council’s activities are focussed on increasing mutual investments, on the advancement of industrial and technological cooperation as well as collaboration in infrastructure and energy projects and in the services sector, on joint participation in EU projects and cooperation in third countries, and on lobbying activities targeting business associations and political circles. Initially the Business Council operated only in North Portugal; it now covers the entire country. In recent times the range of bilateral cooperation opportunities has increased. The Council has seized the moment and initiated activities to promote regional and sector-based ties between Turkish and Portuguese companies. 

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